Children Ministry

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

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Curriculum: Is outlined for children to know about God and live for his kingdom.

Structure: One theme for one month. One topic in 3 classrooms. Children will rotate in Lessons, Crafts, Game Classrooms.

Ministry Vision

Preparing the children in the church to become good Christian citizens and competent successors.

Ministry Mission

To teach God’s word, create a Christian character, build citizens in Christ, and make successors ready.

Children Catagories

Nursery Team

Led by parents to provide safe, secure, nurturing, clean, and efficient care to our Birth to 2 years old children.

Preschool Team

Led by parents to provide safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient care to our 2 years old to 4 years old children.

Sunday School Team

Teachers are divided by 4 weeks per month. Every week we plan to have 6 teachers. (2 teachers in 3 classrooms).

Special Needs Team

We believe all people are created in God’s image and Our purpose is to share Christ’s love and allow each student with special needs feel God’s love through their buddy.

Oversee Team

Our purpose is to watch over and direct children in order to provide safety and security while they are at the church.

Sunday School Requirement

● To be member of the church

● Finish Discipleship Baptism class (Youth)

● Serve Once a month

● Attend team and parent meetings

● Be committed, responsible and accountable

Teaching Materials

Contact Info

Children Ministry Director, Kalkidan Bekele

Email: [email protected]

ECFC Phone: 913-254-7450


Children Ministry Assistant:-  Menna Assefa

Email: [email protected]